The Importance of Body Language in an Interview

Interviews are your chance to sell yourself! So you need to be conscious of what you say, what you wear, how you present and the body language you portray.

It is the old story of ‘First Impressions count’!

Here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. Be confident! – Walk with confidence, head up and smile; if you are nervous try not to let it show
2. Hand shake – Ensure its firm and ensure you provide eye contact to the interviewer
3. Posture – Ensure you sit up straight and portray confidence
4. Avoid distractions – Avoid fidgeting, tapping your feet, playing with your clothes etc.
5. Eye contact – Always give eye contact to your interviewer, non eye contact portrays untruthfulness
6. Don’t cross your arms – keep your arms on your lap, avoid crossing at all costs! This demonstrates defensiveness or aggressiveness

Written by Linda Lewin