Expectations and Courtesy

It is 8am on a Monday morning and my mobile phone buzzes. It’s a text message stating that someone is sick and is therefore not going to be able to attend work. I call back to check everything is okay but there is no answer…Then I start thinking – why send a text and why not call!

My first job was in a casual retail position and I have since worked in various professional roles. In all these positions the notion of sending a text to inform my manager I was not going to work never crossed my mind. Call me old fashioned, but is it too much to expect a phone call if you are unable to attend work? The ability to text message gives someone an easy option and allows them to avoid confrontation. I believe that if you have nothing to hide; there is no reason not to pick up the phone!

This principal also applies to being late for work or appointments. There have been too many times that interviewee’s have shown up late for their interviews without prior notification. Even more frustrating is that upon arrival, there was no acknowledgement or apology for being late. I completely understand that unfortunately things happen and appointment times can’t always be met, however, courtesy is to call ahead of time to explain the situation and apologise for any inconvenience caused. In my opinion it is unacceptable not to call and there is really no excuse not to be able to call ahead of time to notify the person you are meeting.

Another expectation I think is important, is the appropriateness and suitability of dress at interviews and at work. Having been in recruitment for a number of years, I’ve seen it all, whether it is tracksuits with holes, singlet tops, sunglasses on your head or thongs on your feet. Regardless of the type of work your interview is for, I always advise people to over dress for interviews and corporate attire is definitely advisable and expected for any agency interview.

So, with the advancement of technology, has our capacity to communicate diminished? When did it becoming acceptable to send texts over making a phone call? And when did it become appropriate to dress casually for a job interview? With such a tight and competitive job market at the moment, it is imperative you give yourself every chance to stand out and be noticed (but in the right way)! Please ensure that not only are you completely prepared for the interview, but have planned your trip, have dressed appropriately and have the courtesy to call if you are running late!


Written by Linda Lewin